Everything About Getting Sober Sucks! Except the Happy Ending
Getting sober sucks. It’s difficult to put down the one thing you’ve come to love, especially when it has seeped into every cell, thought, and perception of your being. Heroin defined me. Walking away from your confidant (the dope) and those you considered...
Dispute Dangerous Feelings- Shame, Guilt and Regret with Gratitude
Has drinking become dangerous to your life. Does alcohol cause you to feel shame, regret, adn remorse. Dispute irrational emotions and feelings with gratitude instead.
I Fled From AA and NA Knowing How Dangerous it was to my Sobriety
My relapse was long. It took 7 years before I cooked that shot up in the back of my van, it was the first dance with heroin in over ten years. But my world started crumbling around year 3 of my abstinence. What happened in the third year? I took my power back....
The Power Is In The Choice: What are You Grateful For Today? Life? Death?
Are you grateful to wake up without the insanity of active heroin addiction? Maybe you don't now the feeling. I'm Grateful to sit an type this without the obsession to have to run and get a bundle of heroin today. I think this thought every morning when I wake...
Find Freedom From Compulsive Behavior In Early Recovery
Recovery and freedom from Compulsive Behavior Compulsive behavior in early recovery is common. When you decide to enter into treatment it's not for OCD. You usually enter treatment to stop using a specific chemical or two but through the years of abuse compulsive...
Gratitude & Thanks On This Thanksgiving Holiday.
Gratitude and Thanks Make Everyday Special and Worth Living. Gratitude and thanks are felt everyday, but we let this feeling get pushed out of our hectic busy lives. Start interupting your habits to express more gratitude. Start each day by being thankful for what you...
5 Ways To Find Fulfillment and Satisfaction Sitting Quietly Alone.
5 Ways To Find Fulfillment and Satisfaction Sitting Quietly Alone. Feeling fulfilled is the Answer to Becoming Truly Successful in Life How To Win Friends and Influence People. In this recent return to my recovery, being fulfilled in my daily activities and present...
Finding Fulfillment: Learning to Enjoy the Time you spend Alone.
The zen of fulfillment, spending quiet time alone, is where you find satisfaction in your life. Sitting quietly with yourself is a skill. Once developed you won't need to look outside of yourself to find a distraction. Being my best friend was hard to do. I'm glad I...
Why Forgiving Yourself is Essential: Maintain Happiness and Fulfillment in Recovery
Why Forgiving Yourself is Essential: Maintain Happiness and Fulfillment in Recovery I was sitting with a friend and said, "Peace of mind and fulfillment begin once you begin forgiving yourself." He looked at me and said, "I don't buy that shit! Why do I have to...
What I remembered about my addiction watching TV’s Shameless.
Life in this building is freezing and wet, if I once had a brain then I seem to forget 'Cos just when I caught it, it slipped through the net, now we sedate ourselves slowly no time for regret...Amebix Showtime's Shameless resonates with a place inside of me...