Is your blog failing & lacking exposure?

Are you publishing consistent blog posts that keep your reader engaged?
Outsource your blog content and get back on track today.
Hire Me, John Makohen, as your next Freelance Content and Copywriter. Let me help ease your worries and alleviate the responsibility you’re feeling for your digital marketing and web-copy writing, management and consulting. I know you’re busy. You understand the importance of keeping your website updated with quality helpful content and copy.
BUT – you’re busy.
Still, you need to stay focused on publishing consistent web content and copy. You understand the importance of keeping your website updated with quality helpful content and copy.
BUT – You just don’t have the time to keep up with the tasks
- Consistent blog posts
- long-form articles and essays
- social media presence and exposure
- email marketing
- building rapport with readers through engaging web content and copy
- updates, comments, and questions
Before you really lose your handle on your web presence HIRE ME to come in and help you stay on track. I offer a variety of services to help you and your team concentrate on your job.
Let me take care of the digital marketing gear inside your business.
Here are some of the services I offer you:
Blog Post Bundles: Blogging has become an integral piece of most everyone’s digital marketing strategy. Blogging helps you connect with your readers, introduce yourself to them in a way that is conversational and informative without intimidating formality. Your blog helps you to stand in front of your reader as a supportive peer and friend. Blogging is a process by which you are able to nurture your readers through transparency and authenticity.
Blogs that work best:
- Consistently published
- Helpful
- Informative
- About solving the reader’s challenges or pains
Articles and Essays When searching for informative articles and essays search engines love
Articles that have:
- a Longer format,
- are Well researched and documented,
- and Educate readers.
Ongoing posts that help solve problems and difficulties for your reader are valuable. Essays build trust. Articles and essays keep readers coming back to your web page. Longform blog posts prove that you are able to offer documented and useful information.
Case Studies and Testimonials: Interviewing others, validates your product or service. This is vital to your success. Having testimonials and case studies illustrating how you and your product solved challenges for other customers helps ease confusion and worry about buying from you. I can conduct these interviews and write these case studies for you, so you can build better products to sell and serve.
Email Marketing: Blog posts take time to write and take time to read. Email marketing is a way to keep you in touch with your subscribers. Once again I can help you keep consistently reaching out, via email, so you can offer daily affirmations, or new (bi-weekly) investment strategies, or information about new products and services which you are making available. Whatever you decide to email, I can write consistent and friendly marketing messages.
Email Newsletters: A newsletter is so important to content strategy. Not everyone has the time to make it to your web page each day. A newsletter is a perfect way to reach out to them and say this is what happened this week or this month. Of course, it depends on how often you send as long as you are consistent with publishing.
Opt-ins; White Papers, Landing Pages, Ebooks, Infographics: Opt-in
Social Media Management: You have heard everyone say that your company needs to be on Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest (whatever fits your business.) But, you have no idea what to do on these sites. Everyone is posting pictures of cats and dogs and babies (Oh My) (ugh)
I get it, You don’t know where to begin
Let’s work together and see what social media platform works best for you. After we decide what you need, we can build a strategy for you to follow; or if you still need a hand put me at the helm. Either way, you will be keeping your business out in front
Web copy and Website Audits I have a 35 point checklist that I will use to write your website’s copy or to do an existing audit. Your website works 24/7 for you, so don’t let it misfire because of poorly written copy. contact me now and let me help you rest assured that your website’s message will be heard by potential customers you’re looking to sign on as clients.
Fill out a contact form or call so you and I can discuss how I can help relieve some the stress you are experiencing due to digital marketing.
If you have followed along with Year of The Johnny I feel you should understand niches I prefer to write about.You don’t have to read Year of the Johnny for me to help your blog. Hell, you don’t even have to like Year of
When considering to HIRE ME! Areas with life experience include but are not limited to:
- Substance abuse programs
- Recovery, wellness, lifestyle, and business coaches
- Psychology: negative self-talk, self-limiting beliefs, mindfulness, anger management, motivational interviewing
- Productivity, failure, and goal setting
- Alcohol and drugs
- LGBT relationships and marriage
- Tattooing, Body piercing, and other modifications
- Retail store management and ownership
- Property management, real estate sales and management
- Health, fitness, exercise and running
- Outdoors backpacking, hiking, camping, boating, skiing
- Contracting (general, electrical, flooring mechanics)
- Information Marketing
- Writing as a business, blogging, article writing, B2B
I listed these areas above because I have experience and relevant personal experience. Let me put this experience to use for and write for you. My writing always has a conversational tone and reads with ease and understanding.